The YourID
Take Control Of Your Identity
One ID For Every Situation
The YourID Foundation
Take Control Of Your Identity
One ID For Every Situation
What is YourID?
YourID offers strong incentives for businesses, consumers, governments and citizens to finally have access to a reliable, secure, and convenient digital identity. Where previous attempts to establish universal ID failed, YourID will succeed thanks to our key pillars:
YourID is the world’s first trusted identity platform. Users will no longer face a confusing array of authentication mechanisms when performing transactions online – or in the real world, for that matter – because they will have access to a single, convenient, highly secure identity solution in the form of YourID.
- Technology Agnostic: A flexible range of partners offer the most appropriate technology for any given situation, instead of relying on a single technological solution.
- Cross-industry Collaboration: YourID will be controlled by a wide variety of stakeholders from various industries, including leading websites and online platforms.
- Shared Cost: Free for the end-user, while participating platforms reduce costs for IAM up to 95%, since these costs will be shared between them due to re-usable identities.
- Data Enrichment Through Consent: Users can choose to complete their profile with e.g. financial or medical information or data from a smart watch. This way, through explicit consent users enrich data for companies, while receiving benefits in return.
Why Should ID Be Universal?
Circumventing the maze of processes and requirements when it comes to accessing accounts and services online, YourID offers end users and businesses the ideal identity solution. With YourID they can reliably confirm their identities across a range of services and platforms using a single credential, and with minimum friction and maximum control over private information.
People don’t want to put themselves at risk, but they lack a simple and effective re-usable identity solution for online security. This is why YourID will offer such compelling advantages to the end user and the best user experience:
• Convenient Access and one time on-boarding for all online situations. Using the biometric sensors on smartphones, YourID eliminates the need to remember passwords and enables instant access to any online account, after a simple one-time only enrolment process.
• Security. Through the combination of various proven, certified technologies and a meticulous architecture, YourID delivers the highest form of security and remote identification.
• Privacy. YourID’s Swiss foundation and technological architecture guarantee the highest form of privacy for the individual and participating partners.
Security & Privacy By Design
Two of the key components of the YourID proposition make it unique in comparison to identity platforms that have come before it: cross-industry collaboration and a technology- agnostic model. Collaboration and transparency are at the heart of YourID, and these two building blocks ensure everything our organization builds is flexible, accessible and trustworthy by design from day one.
The lifecycle of a user account is a chain composed of transactions, beginning with onboarding and carrying through every authorized interaction. As we all know, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. That’s why, in addition to leveraging the strongest available security technologies on the market to authenticate logins and transactions, YourID works with trusted identity providers to verify a user’s identity when they sign up.
The 4 pillars
YourID is not a Vendor or commercial organisation. Instead, as an independent foundation, YourID can collaborate with any technology provider on a global scale and can adapt to the wishes of the participating websites/platforms and regional (legal) requirements. YourID’s technology-agnostic model enables the flexibility and accessibility required for large scale uptake and worldwide market inclusion.
Technology Agnostic
By working with the best-of-breed, already proven technologies to support identity verification and authentication, YourID will assemble the various components to create a trusted identity platform and will only develop necessary non-existing parts itself, guaranteeing quality and accountability.
Collaboration is key to our technology proposition. Working with trusted identity providers to verify user identity, our platform can begin every customer on-boarding with the utmost level of trust, and carry it forward with an unbroken chain of strong authentication. Technology agnosticism also enables YourID to be a future-proof platform, adapting to new technologies as they emerge.
Most of the technologies that we use on the internet nowadays serve to obtain a clear picture of (potential) clients, their needs and their wishes. For this purpose, many types of technological innovations are used, ranging from Cookies to Artificial Intelligence. On the other hand, we are facing an increasing array of rules, regulations and law enforcement policies that try to protect users through GDPR, CCPA and similar regulations, data management, the right to be forgotten, etc. This has created a continuous battle on different fronts and resulted in enormous fines.
Data Enrichment Through Consent
But why don’t we enrich data based on consent given by the user? Why not ask the user for “extended consent” and ask them whether they want to share their data and in return receive a benefit? Such a feature would enable data enrichment through a direct relationship between companies and users.
YourID makes this possible as an optional feature: in addition to verifying the user’s identity information, users have the choice to upload all kinds of other information in their profile, like medical and financial information, their hobbies and consumption preferences. With this optional feature, users can benefit from sharing their data by receiving discounts or other (financial) rewards from those companies, thereby creating their own centralised loyalty program. In YourID’s app, users choose what parts of their profile information they wish to share with companies and they can adjust these settings and revoke consent conveniently in the app.
This “data enrichment through user consent” also provides benefits to companies. It allows them to focus on users that have a high probability of being interested in their offers, resulting in a better User Experience. Furthermore, this accurate client targeting also leads to increased efficiency in marketing communications and sales efforts.
How it works
One time on-boarding on YourID’s re-usable identity platform is easy and convenient. Opening an account is as simple as entering your name, email address and phone number, or connecting an existing Google, Facebook, Amazon or LinkedIn account. Each account can be associated with multiple emails and telephone numbers, and leveled-up with additional verification factors to unlock enhanced physical and digital security features.

Onboarding & Login

Once successfully on-boarded, additional online profiles can be added to the user’s account. In addition to a Facebook or LinkedIn profile, users can also add other types of profiles, like a medical profile, financial profile or corporate profile. These profiles can then be used to share with third parties.
YourID App
YourID’s app will offer a variety of identity and authentication features based on one of four service levels –Basic, Basic Age, Basic ID and Premium Flex.
All Basic levels are free for users.
Real World Applications
The real world use cases for YourID are wide-ranging. Any time a relying party (company, government agency, public organization) needs to verify a user identity, YourID is the fast, safe and trusted option for physical and digital access, signing digital transactions, and proof-of-life. In a broad sense, the features of YourID can be summarized as digital access, physical access, and user identification. In addition, YourID boasts a comprehensive arsenal of business identification applications. Here are just some of the exciting ways YourID can be applied to today’s most crucial vertical markets: